The Filter view can be accessed via the Filter tab on top of the screen.

The Filter view contains two main elements:

Variants can be listed multiple times in the variant list on the right, if they are located within overlapping genes. In this case, the variant will be annotated multiple times, in each overlapping gene.

Moon provides live filtering, meaning that the list of displayed SNVs is immediately updated upon changing one of the filter criteria on the left.

Filter results are ranked according to phenotype overlap of the annotated disorder and the input phenotype.

For each of the resulting variants, a summary of the most relevant annotations are provided, in addition to more details in the variant card, similar to the annotations shown for variants in the Shortlist. For each variant, it is indicated that the variant has either been shortlisted by the automated pipeline, or why the automated pipeline excluded the variant from the shortlist.

On the right of the variant annotation bar, three icons are displayed:

When manually adding variants to the shortlist, these will appear in the ‘Manually filtered’ tab on the Shortlist page. From there, manually added variants can be reported similarly to automatically shortlisted variants.